St. Louis Personal Injury F.A.Q.'s
St. Louis Personal Injury Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat if I am Injured at Work?
Nearly every employed Missouri or Illinois resident is protected by workers’ compensation. Workers’ compensation covers injuries and occupational diseases which occur while you are on the job. The law guarantees you three kinds of Workers’ Compensation benefits:
- Health care to cure the injury
- Cash payments for lost wages
- Cash awards for any permanent or partial disabilities
If you have sustained an on-the-job injury, it is important that you understand your rights and obligations as soon as possible. Many injured workers commonly fail to do anything about work injuries out of fear of being fired or because they do not believe the injury is that serious. Failure to promptly notify an employer of a work injury, however, may preclude an injured worker from later pursuing a claim if it turns out to be more serious. Read more about handling a St. Louis personal injury at work.
Questions about St. Louis personal injury?
What If I am Injured in an Automobile Accident?
When you are the victim of an automobile accident you may be able to assert several types of claims. In a St. Louis personal injury involving a auto, under the policy of the driver at fault, you have a claim for compensation for pain and suffering, permanent injuries, health care expenses, lost wages, and for the cost to repair or replace your damaged automobile. The other person’s insurance company may also provide a rental car during the repair process.
Second, if the responsible driver is uninsured, your own insurance policy provides coverage for you. Also, your own insurance policy may provide benefits that will pay all of your accident-related health care expenses.
Lastly, you should be aware that your insurance company cannot raise your rates if the accident was not your fault, regardless of whether you make a claim against your policy.
In the event of a St. Louis personal injury by auto accident, Missouri Division of Insurance regulations provide:
“In no event shall an insurer request an increase in premium from any insured in connection with any claim arising out of any accident for which the insured was not at fault.” 4CRS 190- 17.100(3)
Questions about St. Louis personal injury?
Who can select the treating doctor? Do I have to go to the company doctor? How am I going to pay my bills while I am off work? How much will I get paid for my time off work and when will it start? Am I entitled to a settlement for my injuries?
These are just some of the questions injured workers are commonly confronted with following a work relating injury. Most injured workers have little or no knowledge regarding how the workers’ compensation system operates. Actions taken shortly after a St. Louis personal injury at work can affect the benefits you receive. For that reason it is important to seek legal advice.
The amount of compensation you may be entitled to is largely dependent on the nature of your injuries, permanency, and your wage rate. Even persons who sustain relatively minor injuries are entitled to workers’ compensation benefits.
Questions about St. Louis personal injury?
If I am in an Automobile Accident, Should I Get a Police Report?
A police report is very important following an accident. A police officer will take down the name, address, and insurance company of every driver involved in the accident. The police officer will take statements of drivers and witnesses and commonly record on the report which party was at fault. All of this is very important as it prevents a party who admits fault at the scene from later denying responsibility if a St. Louis personal injury claim is filed.
Questions about St. Louis personal injury?
Who Is Actually Going to Handle My Case? and Does That Attorney Have Specific Experience in the Area of My Need?
The Kullmann, Klein & Dioneda St. Louis personal injury lawyer a client meets with on their first visit to our firm is the lawyer who will handle their case, from start to finish. And each of our principals has his own field of expertise that can fulfill every client’s need. We can answer all of your St. Louis personal injury questions. Call us for a free St. Louis personal injury consultation at 314-862-7222.
Questions about St. Louis personal injury?
Do I Need a Lawyer?
Consider these questions when deciding if you need a St. Louis personal injury lawyer:
- Are my medical bills being paid?
- Am I collecting my lost wages?
- Am I entitled to receive compensation over and above my medical bills and lost wages?
The insurance industry’s own studies confirm that an individual represented by an attorney in a St. Louis personal injury case will see more net proceeds than an individual who is not represented.