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Workers Comp Wage Loss / Medical Disputes

Wage loss due to a workers comp injury puts extreme emotional and financial pressure on you and your family. Bills can pile  workers compup. It may be hard to find money for housing, food and utilities and other everyday expenses such as school expenses, clothing, and gas for transportation. In some cases, medical expenses due to your workers comp injury can add to an already critical cash flow shortage.

Workers comp injury victims are owed certain benefits.

Missouri’s Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, the agency that oversees workers comp claims, has indicated that, in many cases, individuals can make up for lost wages by applying for TTD or temporary total disability benefits in the event that an individual has a workers comp injury. The person is eligible if they have been absent from work more than three regularly scheduled workdays of their employer. If a person is absent more than two weeks, he or she is compensated for the first three days, otherwise known as the waiting period.

But what happens when your wage loss benefits are cut off or never even started, and your employer or their workers comp insurance company is contesting your claim? It’s difficult enough to recover from the workers comp injury, but when you have to face an organization with huge financial resources in order to get help, it’s easy to be overpowered. The workers comp attorneys Kullmann, Klein & Dioneda understand the frustration and emotional strain that comes with this situation. With decades of experience handling workers comp cases, we know how to navigate the system. We stay current on the case law and know what is usual and customary regarding wage loss and medical reimbursement. Put the power back in your court.


Call Kullmann, Klein & Dioneda, P.C at 1-800-536-8844 or contact us online for a free workers comp injury consultation.