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Work Injury – Don’t have a slippery start to the icy New Year

The winter season brings with it a whole slew of new work injury risks in addition to the ones present in the workplace year round. The cold weather increases accidents related to slipping, cold-related injuries, and snow shoveling. Employers may find the need to plan...

Work Comp and Ebola

How does Ebola affect a Work Comp claim? With the recent outbreaks of Ebola in Western Africa, and now the United States, many people are worried about contracting this deadly disease. The likelihood of contracting Ebola on a plane or other public area is fairly low....

Hurt On The Job? What Now?

A General Guide on what to do after a workers compensation injury. Please remember that the laws of workers compensation vary from state to state. It is always important to make sure you consult with an attorney who is familiar with the laws of workers compensation in...