5 Reasons Why You Need a St. Louis Car Accident Lawyer
After a car accident, you will probably be having a terrible day. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the chaos and lose sight of your rights. Immediately following the crash, you should seek medical care to ensure you are not injured. The second thing you should do is call a St. Louis car accident lawyer.
It’s important to thoroughly document all your damages after a car accident. Take photos of the scene and of the vehicles involved. If there are witnesses to the accident, ask if you can have their name and number so they can give an accurate account of what happened. Keep reading below for 5 reasons why you should always hire a St. Louis car accident lawyer when you’ve been involved in a crash:
The insurance company representative is trained to work against you
Quickly after your car accident, an insurance adjuster will likely call you to discuss the accident. It’s important to remember, you DO NOT have to speak with them. The only person you are required to speak to in the course of a car accident is the police. The insurance adjuster is trained to do one thing: give you as little money as possible for your damages. They are not on your side. They will appear friendly and talk to you casually to try to get information to use against you. This is the number one reason you should call a St. Louis car accident lawyer after your crash. A St. Louis car accident lawyer will deal with the insurance company for you and ensure they are providing you all the benefits you are entitled to such as medical payments, property damage, and rental car reimbursement. A St. Louis car accident lawyer will not let the adjuster twist your words or try to use things against you that could cause damage to your case.
Seeking medical care can be confusing, a St. Louis car accident lawyer can help
In our business, we’ve helped nearly 10,000 clients who have been injured in a car accident. Sometimes, injured people get lost when it comes to medical care. A St. Louis car accident lawyer can help you determine what kind of care you may need. Although we are not doctors, we have seen countless injuries and have reviewed hundreds of thousands of pages of medical records. After your initial visit to the emergency room or urgent care center, you may have confusion over what care to get next. A St. Louis personal injury attorney can suggest whether you might need to see your primary care physician to get additional care such as physical therapy, chiropractic adjustments, or pain management.
Keeping your damages straight can be difficult without a St. Louis car accident lawyer
One thing a St. Louis car accident lawyer will do for you is keep track of all your medical care and damages. While you are treating with a medical facility, a St. Louis car accident lawyer will call you frequently or ask you to keep them advised of which providers you are seeing in relation to your injury. When you are finished treating, the St. Louis car accident lawyer will ask their staff to order your medical records and bills so that you have proof of your injury and damages to send to the insurance company. This can be a daunting task without representation that a St. Louis car accident lawyer will help you navigate without the headache.
Not all injuries are created equal. You need an advocate on your side
People who try to handle their own car accident claims are often paid far less than what represented injured people recover after the crash. Most unrepresented people settle for what their out of pocket expenses are and maybe a few hundred dollars more offered by the insurance company. Lay people do not realize that a St. Louis car accident lawyer will order billing and records from all providers, even those you might not be aware of. Once all of your medical bills are received, the St. Louis car accident lawyer will demand an amount for settlement that will adequately compensate you for your injury. You may not realize there are medical charges that exist that you’ve never heard of including: emergency room physician charges, radiology charges, lab testing charges, etc. Hiring a St. Louis car accident lawyer will ensure your damages are accurately represented to the insurance company and will likely result in more money in your pocket at the resolution of your case.
If fault is contested, a St. Louis car accident lawyer can help sort things out
Like many things in life, a car accident can sometimes be a mess. Even though you know you were not in the wrong, an insurance company may try to pin the blame on you to decrease their loss. A St. Louis car accident lawyer will review the police report and your account of the accident and make sure the insurance company does not try to take advantage of you.