In a recent study, AAA found that a great deal of motorists engage in the very behaviors they believe are dangerous. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety found that 87% of drivers said they were guilty of engaging in at least one of the risky behaviors they were polled on. The risks were: speeding, running red lights, not wearing a seat belt and distracted driving. Distracted driving is defined as driving while drowsy, impaired or distracted (i.e. using a cell phone while driving).
These results were compiled in the wake of the most recent data available, which showed over 30,000 people died from car crashes in the U.S. in 2014. The projection for 2015 is set at a 9% increase from that number. With an increase in indifference when it comes to road safety, the number of on-the-road fatalities can only go up from here. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety found that most drivers believe they are more careful than others when behind the wheel. The reality is, that a majority of those same drivers were polled an admitted to engaging in dangerous behaviors while driving. The Foundation was surprised by the fact that one in three of the pollsters admitted to having a family member or friend seriously injured or killed in a crash.
In our business, we have seen a steady increase in clients who were injured in a rear-end collision by someone on their cell phone. It’s now commonplace to request phone records from most all car crash cases we are involved in. In addition to distracted driving, speed is a major factor in many crashes we see. Although we find ourselves confident while captaining our ship, humans are not equipped to react at the speed needed when driving several miles over the speed limit.
The best way to combat the increase in injuries and deaths caused by dangerous driving, is to vow not to be part of the problem. If you find yourself unable to resist the urge to check your phone while driving, we would suggest placing the phone in a purse or bag in your backseat where you cannot reach it. Slowing down and making sure you are attentive behind the wheel is the second best way to stay safe on the roadway.
If you have been injured by a driver who was distracted or driving dangerously, call our office today at 314-862-7222. Even if you don’t believe you have insurance coverage available, call our firm to determine whether you are able to make a claim.