Many people who have been in a car accident are protected by liability insurance. What some don’t realize is that when you’re in a car accident with an uninsured driver, things can sometimes become a bit tricky. The State of Missouri requires all drivers who possess car insurance to have uninsured motorist coverage. This coverage is used when you are involved in a car accident and the at-fault driver has no insurance.
How can a car accident lawyer help me to get my claim paid?
You may find that when you contact your insurance company, they will try to avoid paying for any damages arising out of a car accident with an uninsured driver. This instance is the reason why its often very beneficial to hire a car accident lawyer to represent you.
Insurance companies are in the business to make money. They way the do so is to pay as little on car accident and other claims as they can. Luckily, for Missouri residents, they are covered by uninsured motorist coverage if involved in a car accident with a driver who doesn’t have insurance.
How does uninsured motorist coverage help me after a car accident?
The minimum limits you must possess to drive in Missouri is $25,000/$50,000. Missouri law says that if you possess the minimum coverage for car insurance, you must also possess at least $25,000 in uninsured motorist coverage. This would cover you for any injury or property damage if involved in a car accident with someone who has failed to obtain insurance coverage.
We see a lot of clients who are injured in a car accident who have been told the other driver has car insurance. When we make an inquiry with the insurance company, we are sometimes told the at-fault driver has let their policy lapse, which opens our clients up to vulnerability if they, too, are uninsured.
If you’ve been involved in a car accident and believe the at-fault driver has no insurance, you should call our office immediately to discuss your legal rights. Sometimes your own insurance company may stall paying you under your uninsured motorist policy. We have been protecting the people of Missouri and Illinois from this type of behavior for over 26 years.
If you’ve been injured in a car accident by an uninsured driver in the past 5 years, call our office today at 314-862-7222. It may not be too late to file a claim against your own policy for injuries caused by an uninsured motorist.
For more information about car accidents and uninsured motorist coverage, check out the video by Andy Klein below:
It’s good to know how a lawyer can help you after an accident. My cousin was recently in a pretty bad wreck, and the person who hit him doesn’t have insurance. Like you said, his insurance company is trying to make money, which is fine, but he needs some help too, so I’ll suggest he hire a lawyer.